Show and Voting Begins the 1st of Every Month
ONE (1) TIME Audition Video Upload of up to two (2) minutes which is available in the Month of your Birthday that includes five (5) Free Votes.
Promo Code Upon Request. Go to Contact Us
Up to FORTY-FIVE SECONDS (.45) for a Audition Video Upload.
We will pay YOU… 65% from the sale of any of your product or merchandise based on your marketed audition video/audio or other product(s).
Up to TWO (2) minutes for a Audition Video Upload. We will pay YOU… 75% from the sale of any of your product or merchandise based on your marketed audition video/audio or other product(s).
Up to THREE AND A HALF (3.5) minutes for a Audition Video Upload. We will pay YOU… 85% from the sale of any of your product or merchandise based on your marketed audition video/audio or other product(s).
We will provide a link to you that will include a list of names from voluntary fans registered in our database which has their names and email address of those who want to join your Fan Base and follow YOU. Permission must be given by that Specific Person in the free Registered 2B A Rising Star database.
Upgrade to feature your audition video and your audition video will be placed on the HOME PAGE FEATURED SECTION for greater Exposure.
Upload your audition video 1 month in advance for greater exposure to build your fanbase and let people know that you are competing in the Monthly Talent Search Competition.